A Safer Home: 5 Tips for Preventing Mold in the Home

Yes, we know that Sentry Window Guards is your number one source for keeping your New York City home safe with top of the line window guards, but we also recognize the importance of safe air quality in homes. For more information regarding Sentry Window Guard products and how they keep everyone safe at home in NYC, read on for more information on how to prevent mold in your NYC home.

The hot and humid days of summer have not quite shown themselves the door yet. When the air is extra damp and sticky it can not only make your home uncomfortable, it can cause mold and other damage. Did you know that mold is not just a shower problem? It can grow just about anywhere: on carpet, clothing, food, paper, and even in places you can’t see such as inside your walls, around leaking pipes, and above ceiling tiles. Since mold can trigger serious health risks to you and your family, it’s important to keep it out. Use the following tips to prevent mold before it ever begins.   

Keep Everything Dry

Mold can’t grow without moisture, so dry all wet areas immediately. Dry any water that accumulates into the basement or crawl space after a heavy rainfall, water leakage from pipes, and all carpet spills within 24 to 48 hours.  Don’t leave wet items lying around the house, and make sure to dry all areas after a shower. A shower squeegee is a quick, easy, and painless way to rid moisture in the bathroom.

Monitor Indoor Humidity

The EPA recommends keeping indoor humidity below 60 percent (ideally between 30 and 50 percent) relative humidity. You can measure humidity with a moisture meter purchased from your local hardware store. Some signs of excess humidity are visible such as condensation on windows, pipes, and walls.

Proper Ventilation

Household activities such as cooking dinner, doing laundry or dishes, and taking a shower can invite mold into your home if you do not have proper ventilation. Open a window or run an exhaust fan during moisture producing activities. Appliances that produce moisture such as dryers and stoves should be vented to the outside and not the attic.

Improve Air Flow

If you notice excess moisture condensing on your walls, windows, or floors, improving the air flow in your home may be the answer. To increase circulation, change your air filter, open doors between rooms, unblock vents, move furniture away from walls, and use fans and air conditioning as needed. Letting fresh air in by opening doors and non-adjacent windows will also reduce moisture and keep mold at bay. 

Clean and Repair Gutters

Clean gutters will keep rainwater flowing freely away from your home. Regularly clean your gutters and inspect them for damage. Water that gets clogged up in the gutters may lead to a leaky roof or work its way right into the walls and ceilings of your home. Left unnoticed, this type of water damage can quickly lead to mold.

If you do spot mold in your home, clean it right away with a bleach solution of 1/2 cup bleach to 1 quart of water. Consider calling in a professional to handle the problem if you find a big outbreak or anyone in your home has a weakened immune system or severe allergy to mold. At Sentry Window Guards our business is to help prevent falls from windows, but we also recognize the importance of safe air quality in homes. For more information regarding Sentry Window Guard products and how they keep everyone safe at home in NYC, contact us today!