7 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Winter

It is never a bad idea or a bad time to invest in your New York home and capitalize on the long term benefits of home improvement, even in winter! Take time to make updates now so you can spend more time enjoying your home when warmer weather arrives.  All of the improvements listed below can be done in just one weekend. 

  1. Installing a Smart Thermostat – If your current thermostat is manual you may be spending a lot of time adjusting the temperature to balance comfort and energy efficiency. A smart thermostat allows you to see how much energy you’re actively using. Many smart thermostats also supply tools that allow you to plot out how much more you can save if you adjust the temperature by a few degrees here or there.
  2. Upgrade Your Doors – If you are looking for a quick and easy update to your home, why not start with the front door? A new front entry door will add to the beauty of your home, reduce utility bills, and the project can be completed in an afternoon. 
  3. Freshen Up With Paint – Painting is an easy, cost-effective way to completely transform the look of your home. Choosing lighter colors will make your home seem larger, cleaner, and more appealing. If your walls are still in pretty good shape, washing them can give the same desired look.
  4. Update the Fixtures – Making updates in light fixtures, bathroom fixtures, kitchen fixtures, door knobs, or cabinet hardware can make a huge difference. Fixtures go in and out of style pretty frequently and can easily make a beautiful home look dated. 
  5. Refresh the Cabinets – Kitchen and bathroom cabinets are highly visible because they are at eye level. For cabinets that are in good structural shape, a deep clean may be all that is needed to get them looking their best. If that fails, painting or refacing them is a much cheaper option than replacing them altogether.
  6. Add a Whole House Surge Protector – This device can protect the electronics in your whole home from voltage surges caused by lightning strikes or other electrical issues. It is especially important to protect high priced appliances with electronic circuit boards as these are costly to replace.
  7. Install Window Guards – Properly installed window guards are your best defense in preventing window falls. Window stops are also a very useful safety device. Some new windows come with window stops already installed to prevent the windows from opening more than 4 inches. If your windows don’t already have stops, they can be added to your frame. These devices will allow you to enjoy a fresh breeze while ensuring windows won’t open wide enough to invite a fall. 

Sentry Window Guards is your one-stop solution for window guards and window stops. From start to finish, our professionally trained staff can assist you in your window project. We can troubleshoot, measure, fabricate, supply, and install all within a 24 hour period. All Sentry powder coated window guard products are warranted for life against rust. Sentry is also capable of matching any color that isn’t part of our standard color selection. For more information regarding our products and how they keep everyone safe at home in NYC, contact us today!