National Window Safety Week: Tips to Prevent Window Fall Accidents

Spring is here and many homeowners are eager to open windows and let in the fresh air. Each year, the Window Safety Task Force of the National Safety Council takes the first full week in April to educate on the importance of practicing window safety year-round. National Window Safety Week is designed to increase awareness on helping to prevent accidental window falls and the proper use of windows for emergency escape purposes.

***Falls from a window can result in serious injury or death and pose an especially dangerous threat for children. Every year, about eight children under age five die each year from falling out a window, and more than 3,300 are injured seriously enough to go to the hospital.***

Here are 3 tips to help keep your home safer and prevent window fall accidents from occurring:

1 – Install window guards and stops. Properly installed window guards are your best defense in preventing window falls. Window stops are also a good idea to help allow you to enjoy a fresh breeze while ensuring windows won’t open wide enough to invite a fall.

2 – Open windows from the top and close after use. If you have windows that can open from top and bottom, choose opening the top versus the bottom to prevent falls. Don’t leave opened windows unattended if small children are present.

3 – Be sure windows are clear of chairs, cribs or other furniture being too close in proximity, especially if you have crawlers or climbers.

The Window Safety Task Force recommends the following items be a part of your fire emergency plan:

  1. Make sure windows are not nailed or painted shut
  2. Do not install air conditioners in windows that may be needed for escape
  3. Make sure at least one window in each bedroom meets escape and rescue requirements
  4. Window guards, security bars, grilles or grates render windows useless in an emergency unless they have a release mechanism; update them if necessary
  5. Develop an emergency escape plan and practice it during the day and at night
  6. Keep emergency escape ladders in second- or third-story bedrooms and teach everyone in the home how to use them

For more information regarding Window Safety Week 2018, you can visit the following sites:

At Sentry Window Guards, our business is to keep children safe by preventing window fall accidents from occurring. Visit here for more tips from the National Safety Council regarding emergency plans and preventing window falls. And remember if you reside in New York City, homeowners MUST have window guards on their windows BY LAW if children 10 years or younger are living in the home. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!

True Story: 3 Tips to Help Prevent Window Fall Accidents

“A nine dollar window guard,” Jason says. “That’s all it would have taken to protect my son. And I didn’t even think about it.”

No parent should have to endure the trauma of having a child fall out of a window. Jason and Becca Cunningham* experienced just that when one of their three-year old sons fell from his second-story bedroom window. Although their son landed on his head on the concrete, suffered a severe traumatic brain injury and temporary paralysis, he did regain his health after intense, long-term therapy. With thousands of window fall accidents involving children in the U.S. each year, many stories don’t turn out with a happy ending. Many children die or sustain life-long injuries.

The Cunninghams did not reside in New York City, where homeowners must have window guards on their windows BY LAW if children 10 years or younger are living in the home. As a matter of fact, window safety wasn’t even on Jason and Becca’s radar as it probably isn’t with many families. Here are a few tips to help keep your home safer and prevent window fall accidents from occurring:

Tip #1 – Install window guards and stops. Properly installed window guards are your best defense in preventing window falls. Window stops are also a good idea to help allow you to enjoy a fresh breeze while ensuring windows won’t open wide enough to invite a fall.

Tip #2 – Open windows from the top and close after use. If you have windows that can open from top and bottom, choose opening the top versus the bottom to prevent falls. Don’t leave opened windows unattended if small children are present.

Tip #3 – Be sure windows are clear of chairs, cribs or other furniture being too close in proximity, especially if you have crawlers or climbers.

At Sentry Window Guards, our business is to keep children safe by preventing window fall accidents from occurring. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!


*As a result of their traumatic experience, Jason and Becca became active members of the Stop at 4” Window Fall Prevention campaign in Portland, Oregon. Becca even went on to help educate other parents regarding the importance of window fall prevention with her book titled ‘If Kids Could Float!’

Keep Your Children Safe at Home This Holiday Season

Keeping your children safe is every parent’s first priority. At Sentry Window Guards, we understand how dangerous a fall from a window can be. In fact, by law in NYC, anyone with children 10 years or under must have window guards on their windows. On average about 5,000 kids fall each year from windows in the U.S. But did you know that approximately six kids per day die from all types of injuries in the home and 3.5 million kids are seen in the emergency department for these types of injuries? Here are 5 tips to help you protect your children in your home and keep them safe this holiday season and all year long:

  1. Pay attention: Parents get busy. We get that. However if you have a young child in the bathtub or around water, please give them your full and undivided attention. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children ages 1-4.
  1. Check smoke alarms: Check smoke alarm batteries every six months to help reduce the risk of death by home fires. A working smoke alarm can reduce this risk by half.
  1. Practice crib safety: Be sure and keep cribs clear of objects such as stuffed animals, bumpers and blankets. Hundreds of infants die each year due to suffocation or strangulation because of these objects in the crib.
  1. Hide medicines and cleaning products from kids: Make sure and keep all medicines and cleaning products up and away from curious little hands. Don’t leave medications on nightstands or kitchen/bathroom counters if children can reach them. Avoiding storing cleaning products under kitchen sinks unless you install childproof locks.
  1. Install window guards and safety gates: We’ve already mentioned how many kids fall each year in the U.S. from windows. Reduce this risk by installing window guards. We also recommend installing safety gates to keep children from falling down stairs. On average, 93,000 children age 5 and under are seen in the emergency department for stair-related injuries.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe. While our business is to help prevent falls from windows, we also recognize other types of in-home injuries that affect children. We hope these 5 tips are taken seriously and will help you protect your children from home injuries. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!

Tips to Help You Trim the Tree Safely This Christmas

The holiday season is here New York! With the excitement and anticipation of this magical season, we want you to remember a few safety tips when trimming your Christmas tree. Although beautiful to admire, overloaded lights and dried-out trees are a recipe for fire disaster. According to the National Fire Protection Association, here are some scary facts:

FACT #1: Fire departments respond to an average of 210 structure fires caused by Christmas trees each year.

FACT #2: One of every three home Christmas tree fires is caused by electrical failures.

FACT #3: Although Christmas tree fires are not common, when they do occur they are more likely to be serious.

FACT #4: A heat source too close to the tree causes roughly one in every five of the fires.

We advise you to take the necessary steps to ensure you and your loved ones stay safe during the holiday season.

1.  How to choose the right tree for your family:

  • Artificial Tree: Make sure it’s labeled, certified or identified by the manufacturer as fire retardant.
  • Live Tree: Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that don’t fall off when touched.

2. Where to place the tree in your home:

  • Cut 2” from the base of the live tree trunk before placing it into the tree stand.
  • Make sure the live or artificial tree is at least three feet away from any heat source such as a fireplace, radiator, candle, heat vents or lights, and not blocking an exit.
  • Add water to live tree stand daily.

3. How to safely light the tree:

  • Indoors or outside, use only lights that have been tested for safety.
  • Check each set of lights, new or old, for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections.
  • Do not use more than three standard-size sets of lights per single extension cord.
  • Fasten outdoor lights securely to trees, house, walls or other firm support to protect from wind damage.
  • Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.
  • Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed. Lights could short out and start a fire.

4. How to dispose of the tree after the holidays:

  • Get rid of the live tree when it begins dropping needles. Check with your local community to find a recycling program for your tree.
  • Bring outdoor electrical lights inside to prevent hazards and extend the life of the lights.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe in New York. While our business is to help prevent falls from windows, we also recognize the importance of preventing potential fire hazards in the home. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding New York City safety requirements, contact us today!

National Preparedness Month – September

During the month of September, families, businesses, communities and governments across the United States focus on preparedness. Unfortunately we have already experienced devastating hurricanes in the U.S. this season. While we don’t know how much more Mother Nature can potentially serve us, we still must take action and prepare for future emergencies NOW. Here are 4 steps to help ensure you have a plan to help keep you and your family safe if a disaster strikes:

1. PLAN: Communication is key in preparedness. Make a family emergency communication plan that addresses how to reunite after an emergency if separated. Address the needs of elderly or special needs persons, young children and pets in your home. Be sure and communicate your plan with family and friends before disaster strikes. (Learn more about Emergency Communication Plans and download plan templates here.)

2. READY KIT: Be prepared with an emergency supply kit, aka “Ready Kit”. Each family, individual or business has different needs. Most of the items are inexpensive and easy to find, and any one of them could save your life. Don’t forget to consider any unique needs beyond the basics for elderly or special needs persons, young children and pets. (Download a ready kit checklist here.)

 3. UNDERSTAND YOUR INSURANCE POLICY: You can’t prevent disasters from happening, but you can protect your home and property from potential damages. Work with your insurance agent to make sure you have the best coverage possible for your needs and that you understand the policy.

4.  CONSIDER GETTING INVOLVED: When disaster strikes, every person counts. You could be the difference in someone’s life. If you already have a Ready Kit, considering creating one for a neighbor. You can also find volunteer opportunities in your community to help show others how to stay safe during a disaster.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe. While our business is to help prevent falls from windows, we also recognize the importance of disaster preparedness. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding New York City safety requirements, contact us today!