How to Prevent Winter Slips and Falls

Although we have not had record breaking snowfall totals in NYC this winter, we have still had our city blanketed in white several times with more on the way. So, now is a good time to be mindful of how to prevent winter slips and falls. During the winter months, slippery conditions caused by snow and ice make slips and falls some of the leading causes of injury. Follow these tips to stay safe this winter.

  • Plan your trips around the weather. When conditions are bad, only go out when it is absolutely necessary. Stay home and wait for conditions to improve whenever possible.
  • When freezing rain or snow is in the forecast, pre-treat paved surfaces around your home with de-icer, rock salt, sand, or kitty litter.
  • Remove snow as soon as possible from your porch stoops, steps, sidewalks and driveways.
  • If you must go out, give yourself plenty of time. Being in a hurry will definitely increase your risk of falling. Ice and snow mean “take it slow!”
  • Wear shoes with plenty of traction. You might even want to consider purchasing ice grippers for your shoes if you have to be in wintery conditions frequently.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Keeping your muscles warm and relaxed will help you maintain balance. Also, cold weather gear has more padding if you do take a tumble.
  • Be careful getting out of your vehicle. Planting both feet firmly on the ground before moving and steadying yourself on the door frame will help your balance. Watch for other vehicles stopping and sliding in parking lots.
  • Look for routes that have been cleared or have better access to sunshine for melting the ice.
  • Take short, flat-footed steps with your toes pointed slightly outward to maintain a stable base of support – think of how a penguin walks.
  • Tap your foot on potentially slick areas to see if they are slippery.
  • Avoid carrying heavy loads or children that may cause you to become off balance. 
  • Carry a flashlight or use the light on your phone to see slippery areas at night.

If you do take a tumble in the snow or ice, our best advice is to take your time getting up. Lay there for a second to see how you feel, as getting up too soon or having someone move you too soon could lead to further injury. After a few minutes if you feel like you can get up, bend your knees toward you, push up with your arms and then use your legs to stand up the rest of the way. Always carry a charged mobile phone to call for help in an emergency situation.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe. We hope these tips will help protect you and your loved ones from slips and falls this winter. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!