NEWS: 4-year-old Child Dies in the Bronx After Falling from Apartment Window

In recent news, Sentry Window Guards learned of a young child who died as the result of crawling out of a fourth floor window in the Bronx. The report indicated that bars were present on the windows, but that the young girl crawled over them. Were that the bars not installed correctly or were they in need of repair? An emergency response team attempted to save her, but the child was pronounced dead at Lincoln Hospital.

Sentry Window Guards extends our deepest sympathy to the Flores family.

Tips to Help Keep You Safe from Heating Equipment Accidents

Autumn and cooler temperatures have arrived. While it may be a few more weeks before turning on the heating system, a space heater may be used to make things more comfortable in the evenings. But safety precautions must be taken seriously when you utilized heating equipment in the home. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), heating equipment is a leading cause of home fire deaths. Here are a few simple safety tips and precautions you can practice to help prevent heating equipment fires from happening:

  1. Keep any flammable items (curtains, paper, plastic, solvents, matches, lighters, etc.) at least three feet away from heating equipment.
  1. Create a “kid and pet-free zone” at least three feet around the heating and teach children to stay away. Invest in a baby play yard or fence system to create the zone, still keeping it at least three feet from the heater.
  1. Never try and cook on a space heater.
  1. Never stick objects into the heater.
  1. If you have a fuel burning space heater, make sure to use the right kind of fuel as specified by the manufacturer.
  1. Remember to turn off all heaters before leaving the room, going to bed or leaving your home.
  1. If the heater is portable and you need to move it, make sure it has cooled down completely before touching it.
  1. Test smoke alarms monthly.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe. While our business is to help prevent falls from windows, we also recognize the importance of heating equipment safety precautions in homes. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!

Tips to Help Prevent Choking and Suffocation

Choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury death claiming thousands of lives each year. Unfortunately the elderly and infants make up a large number of those deaths. Choking risk increases with the elderly due to living alone, having dentures and difficulties with swallowing. Here are some tips to help prevent choking and suffocation if you should encounter someone having an issue:

The Heimlich Maneuver

If a victim is able to cough, encourage them to continue to help clear out the object. If they can’t cough, speak or breathe, they need immediate attention. The best way to help someone in this situation is to administer the Heimlich Maneuver or abdominal thrusts. The Heimlich is not recommended for children younger than 1 year old. Here are the steps recommended to perform the Heimlich Maneuver. Seek medical attention even after choking stops.

Administer CPR

CPR will need to be performed if the victim becomes unresponsive. Here are the CPR steps to help a victim. Continue with CPR until the victim responds, an AED is made available or medical help arrives.

Infants and Children

The rescue procedure for infants and children is different. Here are the recommended steps. Prevent this type of tragedy with a few simple practices. Cut infant food into smaller pieces, avoid giving them hard candy and keep small objects out of reach. Also supervise young children while eating and playing.


At Sentry Window Guards, our business is to keep children safe by preventing window fall accidents from occurring. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!


5 Triggers for Poor Indoor Air Quality

While most expect poor indoor air quality (AIQ) to be at its worst “seasonally,” poor IAQ is actually a year-round issue that needs to be addressed. Poor IAQ can cause problems such as headaches, nausea, and eye and throat irritation. More serious risks can include asthma and allergies. Unfortunately children and the elderly are more at risk to experience symptoms of poor IAQ. Here are some common sources for poor IAQ and solutions to reduce the risks to help keep you and your family safe in your home:

  1. INTERIOR PAINT & NEW CARPETS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are gasses released by many household products such as interior paint and new carpets. Try to use a low concentration of VOC-paints and leave windows open and a fan running while painting. Choose low-VOC carpet to also help reduce the amount of VOC gasses emitted.
  1. CLEANING PRODUCTS: Try and avoid cleaning products containing chemicals such as ammonia and chlorine. Replace with hot water, baking soda and less-toxic cleaning products.
  1. HVAC SYSTEMS: Systems with cracks, dirty air filters and poor ventilation can cause dangerous carbon monoxide buildup. Maintain your HVAC system on a regular basis by scheduling annual inspections and changing out air filters. Also make sure your carbon monoxide alarm is properly working with fresh batteries.
  1. GAS STOVES: Improperly installed or vented stoves can dangerous. Vent the stove with a fan that blows properly and make sure burners are adjusted correctly.
  1. CIGARETTE SMOKE: If someone in your home is a smoker, the best solution is to have the smoker smoke outside. Also keep in mind that second hand and third hand (smoke that lingers in clothes, cushions and carpets) smoke can be especially harmful to children and the elderly.

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our mission to help keep families safe. While our business is to help prevent falls from windows, we also recognize the importance of safe air quality in homes. For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!

6 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Beat The Heat This Summer

Summer is on and it is HOT! Here are a few ideas to help you beat the heat this summer and enjoy the season without burning a hole in your wallet!

  1. Visit a library: Many libraries have summer reading programs that encourage young readers with rewards and prizes. Some libraries even offer free or inexpensive events to participate in during the summer.
  1. Check out a movie: Some theaters offer $1 or discounted days during the summer for previously released movies. Call or visit your local theater for times and listings.
  1. Explore a state park: Enjoy exploring the great outdoors at a state park. Hike, swim, camp, bird watch, fish, have a picnic and more! Search online for state park options in your area.
  1. Enjoy local fairs and festivals: Look for local fairs and festivals in your area. Also keep your ears open for local fundraisers such as church and mall carnivals.
  1. Cool off at a water park: Check online for coupons and reduced admission fees. Some parks are cheaper on certain days or offer BOGO (buy one, get one) free coupons.
  1. Take it old school: Buy a cheap sprinkler and some water balloons at your local retail store. It’s a great and inexpensive way to cool off in your own backyard! Add a twist by using water balloons for playing marco polo, hot potato, volleyball, badminton or baseball!

At Sentry Window Guards we make it our business to help keep families safe. We hope these 6 budget-friendly ideas will help you and your family beat the heat this summer! For more information regarding our window guard products and our experience and leadership in understanding NYC safety requirements, contact us today!