Shielding Your NYC Home: 6 Essential Strategies to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Winter in New York City can mean more than just chilly winds; it can bring a real threat to your residential homes and commercial establishments in the form of frozen pipes. The low temperatures can wreak havoc on your plumbing, leading to potential water damage if pipes burst. This risk intensifies, especially for those living in outer-wall residences or spaces with unheated areas like basements and crawl spaces where pipes and meters are often located.

However, there are specific steps New Yorkers can take to combat this risk:

1) Smart Thermostat Control: Invest in a smart thermostat that allows remote monitoring and control of your home or business temperature. These devices enable you to adjust the heating system even when you’re away, ensuring a consistent temperature level to prevent frozen pipes. Some smart thermostats also offer freeze warnings, alerting you if temperatures drop dangerously low so you can take action promptly.

2) Secure Outdoor Spigots: Disconnect garden hoses and shut down the water supply for outside spigots. Adding insulated domes provides extra protection.

3) Insulate Vulnerable Areas: Wrap all water supply lines in unheated areas with insulation. Check basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages, and under cabinets for pipes needing extra protection. Consider adding insulation to these areas to maintain a more stable temperature.

4) Maintain Temperature: Keep garage doors closed to retain warmth around water supply lines. Additionally, leave cabinet doors in bathrooms and kitchens open to allow warmer air circulation around the plumbing.

5) Allow a Slow Drip: On the coldest nights, let a faucet drip slowly. This helps reduce pressure in the water system and lowers the risk of pipes rupturing. Choose the faucet farthest from the main water pipeline to benefit more pipes.

6) Moderate Heating: Even if you’re away, don’t set the heat below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. While heating an unoccupied space might hike up your bill, it’s far less costly than repairing a broken pipe.

New York City residents should also be aware of what to do if pipes freeze but haven’t burst. Turning on faucets and using a hair dryer or space heater to thaw the frozen section safely can restore water flow. Avoid using open flames to thaw pipes. If unsure, it’s wise to call a plumber rather than attempting fixes alone.

For Sentry Window Guards, ensuring safety this winter is a top priority. We hope these helpful tips help keep your New York City home and business safe and cozy this winter. Reach out to us for more information on our window guard products and our expertise in understanding NYC safety requirements.